The lights dim and you pop the first handful of popcorn in your mouth. Before your movie starts, you’ve got a number of trailers to get through, but before you have time to grumble long about the wait, you start to think that some of them are pretty compelling. With sweeping music, crescendos of tension and incredible effects, a trailer can blow you away. Why not get inspired by what you see in the cinema and use it for your own business? Hire a professional video production company to produce a trailer for an upcoming service launch or product release.
A Trailer Tells a Story
While there are exceptions — think of some of the Super Bowl commercials for instance — most commercials just want to shove a product or service in the consumer’s face as quickly as possible without a lot of room for story. A trailer is the ideal format for telling a story. The key of the trailer is building momentum, drawing an audience into conflict and making them salivate for the release.
Some products and services, like a self-published book release, are actually as suited for the trailer as a film, while others, like a new vacuum, could be suited for a parody-style trailer where the video takes the product too seriously. But no matter your product, your business has a story that you can convey to your audience through a trailer. A story is more memorable and effective than a typical commercial.
A Trailer Has a Long Life
You can commission a professional trailer months or even a year or more before the launch of your product or service to start getting people excited, but a trailer doesn’t have to disappear the moment the product or service is out there. There will always be people who haven’t heard of what you have to offer, so there will always be room for a video trailer to introduce your business or cause. Continue to use your trailer on video streaming websites, social media sites and your own website as long as you sell the product or service.
Video Is More Effective
SocialTimes reports that on the Internet video is 5.33 times more effective than the same message in text. Sending out text-based social media updates also is more likely to come across as spam. A trailer opens opportunities for you to sponsor other videos, too, so people have to watch your video before they proceed to the video they clicked. In that time before they can “skip ad,” you have the opportunity to capture their attention through dynamic storytelling.
Remember that feeling you had when you saw the first trailer for your favorite movie, and vow to share that “wow, that’s awesome” feeling for your consumers. Contact a professional ad production company to put together a trailer advertisement for your upcoming product or service. Whether it’s a book release or a new and improved tech product, building momentum is crucial to producing sales, and there are few better methods of getting people excited than a video trailer.